A stress urinary incontinence laser treatment is an innovative method which allows in a non-operable way to reduce an embarrassing incontinence problem concerning even every second woman in Poland.
The problem of urinary incontinence concerns as much as 24% of women aged from 18 to 48, about 39% of women over age 55. Additionally, it is believed that this problem also concerns 50% of elderly people.
A stress urinary incontinence is a symptom which is an unintentional loss of urine when making an effort, sneezing or coughing, that is performing activities which lead to an increase in abdominal pressure. Initially, this trouble occurs while making a bigger physical effort, then however it gradually leads to urinary incontinence during walking. In the hardest cases, a female patient loses control of the bladder even when she lies in bed.
A stress urinary incontinence is an incredibly inconvenient ailment which disturbs your normal functioning, nevertheless a large number of people are afraid of an operation or are not allowed to be operated on due to some contraindications to operative treatment.
Female patient benefits:
- It is a completely non-invasive procedure;
- The procedure is conducted in a gynaecologist’s exam room;
- Upon the procedure you are required to undergo reconvalescence or be on a sick leave;
- The procedure is painless;
- This kind of treatment is characterized by a relatively low complication rate equal nearly zero.
Indictations for IncontiLase:
- Mild-to-moderate urge and stress mixed urinary incontinence.
Contraindictations for IncontiLase:
- Pregnancy;
- Breast feeding;
- Vagina infection;
- Incorrect cytology test result;
- Epilepsy;
- Autoimmune diseases;
- Hormone replacement therapy and hormonal contraception;
- If you take medicines which may increase sensitivity to sunlight (sulfonamides, tetracycline derivatives, especially doxycycline), tranquilizers like chlorpromazines, oral medicines for diabeters, duretic agents (furosemide, hydrochlorothiazides), antifungal drug griseofulvin, antiarrhythmic drugs – like amiodarone, hormons – progesterone and estrogens, anti-epileptic drugs (phenytoins), cytostatics (busulfan), quinolone antibiotics (pefloxacin);
- If you take blood thinners or anticoagulants;
- If you take some herbs like St John’s wort or marigold;
- Uncontrolled diabetes.
Specialists and eligibility criteria
Determining eligibility and procedures are performed by:
Jolanta Zegarska, MD PhD
specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology
Joanna Kłyszejko-Molska, MD PhD
specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology
Schedule your visit via e-Appointment.
Pricelist, reimbursement provideed by insurance companies
- The cost of determining eligibility for the procedure amounts to 100 €;
- The cost of a stress urinary incontinence laser treatment amounts to 1000 €;
Preparation for the laser treatment IncontiLase
It is a walk in – walk out office treatment and no anaesthesia is needed. Tests which are required for the treatment:
- Cytology test.
Before a scheduled procedure you are not allowed to use any photoallergic drugs.
If you suffer from any other diseases you should provide a specialist’s opinion that there are no contradictions for performing a laser treatment.
How does IncontiLase work?
In the Eskulap Hospital the procedure is conducted by well-trained and certified gynaecologists. The procedure consists of inserting into the vagina a special head through which a dispersed laser beam irradiates the region of the vestibule of vagina, the urethral orifice, as well as in the area along the anterior vaginal wall. For the procedure we use a Fotona’s Er-YAG laser with proprietary “Smooth mode” technology which by penetrating tissues provokes collagen to shrink, tighten and produce fresh new tissue fibres, which results in improved control of continence functions
The procedure is relatively painless and neither hospitalization nor anaesthesia are required.
Effects of the laser treatment:
The effect of a stress urinary incontinence laser treatment is not immediate. It takes time for collagen fibres to reconstruct. The first effects can be experienced about 30 to 40 days following the procedure. There are some cases though in which the reconstruction process takes longer and desired effects occur no sooner than half a year later. One session is usually enough, though in some cases another session is required after three months.
- In women at the age of procreation the desired effects are easier to achieve and sustain for many years or until the next childbirth during which the re-extension of collagen fibres occurs;
- As regards women in post-menopause, the durability of treatment effect depends on applying an additional therapy (pharmacology and physical therapy);
- The follow-up includes a special individual rehabilitation programme developed by gynaecologists and rehabilitation specialists working for the Eskulap Hospital. This therapeutic programme is based on the biofeedback technique which enables additional improvement in efficiency and durability of the treatment effects.
Good scientific results are well documented in clinical studies.
- Almost 70% of patients don’t suffer from passing of urine;*
- 94% of patients reported improvement whereas 68% of all patients claimed to be free of stress urinary incontinence symptoms;*
- Improvement of stress urinary incontinence in all measured parameters;*
No adverse events noted in any of the studies;**
Novel Minimally Invasive VSP Er:YAG Laser Treatments in Gynecology Vizintin Z, Rivera M, Fistonić I, Saraçoglu F, Guimares P, Gaviria J, Garcia V, Lukac M, Perhavec T, Marini L.
* Journal of the Laser and Health Academy, Vol. 2012, No. 1, P. 46-58. Minimally invasive laser procedure for early stages of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) Fistonić I, Findri-Guštek Š, Fistonić N. Journal of the Laser and Health Academy, Vol. 2012, No. 1, P. 67-74.
After the procedure:
- After the procedure you should wear sanitary pads for a few days as you may have serous transudation;
- In some cases a gynaecologist may recommend an intravaginal tablets therapy to apply for a few days;
- You should avoid a sexual intercourse for one month;
- In menstruating women the procedure is performed in the first half of the cycle (that is after menstruation);
It is necessary to have a consultation with the gynaecologist who performs a procedure in order to undergo treatment in the Eskulap Hospital.
Schedule your visit via e-Appointment.
This website describes standard aspects concerning your disease and treatment. It is not intended to replace professional medical treatment or talk between you and your gynaecologist about your disease, treatment or operation.
The procedure concerning disease and treatment may vary depending on a patient and a gynaecologist’s experience.
Should you have any queries about the laser procedure, pre-op preparation or postoperative treatment, a fee for a procedure or cost coverage by your insurance company, do not hesitate to ask such questions to your surgeon or anaesthesiologist.