EU Project – Smart Growth Operational Program

Extension of the Research and Development Center of the ESKULAP Hospital to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
Project based on a contract POIR.02.01.00-00-0225/16-00:
- Smart Growth Operational Program
Priority axis: Supporting the environment and the potential of enterprises to conduct R & D & I activity
Measure 2.1 Support for investment in enterprise R & D infrastructure
- Value of the project: 35 815 744,00 zł
– the European Union fund: 19 698 659,20 zł
– the period of the project: : 2017 – 2020
Cele Projektu
- Extension of the Research and Development Center, which will conduct research on coordinated care, including modern diagnostics, minimally invasive treatment and physiotherapy, in the fields of vascular surgery, cardiology, neurology and urology.
Skutki Projektu
- development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods significantly improving the efficiency of diagnostics and treatment.